Kellogg World Alumni Magazine, Summer 2004Kellogg School of Management
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Welcome to the triannual EMP-46 update. We have decided we are officially naming this update, "Where's Jose?" But first, a few other updates:

Alan Burack has taken on a senior management-consulting role as director of business development for Freedom Home Care (FHC), a leader in caregiver services in the home-care sector. Servicing the corporate community, as well as individuals, FHC's mission is to provide consistent, high-quality home care services, which enable clients to maximize their freedom, independence, comfort and vitality in daily living. Alan also continues as director of marketing for The Claremont Rehab and Living Centers.

Paul Herring joined the Chicago office of Grant Thornton as a partner effective May 1, and started a two-year assignment as director of business reporting, assurance and advisory services for the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants in New York. Paul will be focusing on a new initiative aimed at developing an enhanced business-reporting framework for companies. Over the next six months, he will be working toward the launch of a new international business-led consortium to lead this initiative. Further details are available at

Congratulations to Chris Quatrochi and his wife Kathy on the birth of their twins Sydney Natalia and Nicholas Otto on Dec. 20. Both children are doing well and growing like weeds. Melissa is giving Chris tips on how much money he will need when their children are all ready to join the EMP program. Reach him at work at 312.223.9779 or home at 630.513.8114.

Food and Libation Update: Darrin Reilly was in Chicago recently and shared a meal and a few stories at the Club House in Oak Brook. Bob Gallagher, Sam Iyer, Ro Kumar, Darrell Jackson and Jose Martinez joined him. Jose volunteered to plan a fall golf and recreation event. Incidentally, we expect to see more of our classmates as the air traffic situation at O'Hare worsens this summer. This group does not need much to get together, and one summer storm over the East Coast should be sufficient.

John Slater is up to his elbows in ice cream in San Rafael, Calif., and loving it. He hopes that everyone will visit his Web site: if you can't make it in person. Reach him at 415.457.3158.

Mike Thompson (or someone who looks like him) was recently spotted at the train station in Hinsdale, Ill. No, it was not a vodka-induced mirage. He was house hunting. As of Jan. 1, he was promoted to managing director of Millennium Brands Ltd., the export company that now has operations in more than 40 countries. He will be setting up an office somewhere in the western suburbs and relocating with the family to a house in Hinsdale. Sue is planning a picnic to celebrate his return, and will let everyone know once the date is final.

Becky Brubaker, Ro Kumar, Jose Martinez, Sue Nedza, Paul Nelson, Chris Quatrochi, Melissa Siebert and Harriet Seymore met for lunch in May to celebrate Sue's transition to the role of federal regulator. Melissa led a lively discussion on new methods to lead meetings. For further information, contact her for the details on these techniques and then utilize her human resources expertise as you search for a new position as a result.

Don Dilucchio missed all of these events and is looking at some opportunities that will bring him to Chicago more often. He has been assigned the task (by his loyal team) of hosting the next gathering this summer.

"Where is Jose?" Jose Martinez is now a partner in financial services with Oakbrook-based CSC Consulting Inc. He is looking forward to reconnecting with Peter Zaleski.

That's it for now. We wish everyone a warm, sunny summer with plenty of time for golf, reading a book and great vacations.

Sue and Alan

©2002 Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University