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Song and Dean Glover are the proud parents of a baby girl, Samantha, born Dec. 20. Both mother and baby are doing great, as well as father!

Janice and Joe Cavatoni are the proud parents of a baby boy named Giovanni Francisco, born Dec. 28. All are doing well!

Robin Joffe has started a new business called ATrend Ltd. ATrend is an Asian-based business development firm focused on helping international businesses achieve success in the rapidly expanding Asian markets. With extensive experience in developing distribution channels and market-entry strategies, ATrend increases the success rate for clients while reducing costs. ATrend's focus is on technology-based companies or those companies that utilize technology to deliver solutions. Reach her at: ATrend Ltd., Wako Higashi Nakano Building 6F, Higashi Nakano 4-6-2, Nakano-ku, Tokyo 164-0003 Japan. Office tel: 03.5337.8193.

Margaret Cheng has relocated to Shanghai as of December to head up the human resources and training function for HSBC in China. Margaret says this is an exciting posting, as HSBC is trying to position itself in anticipation of China opening up its banking and finance market in 2006.

©2002 Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University