
Denise Loyd

Mary Kern

Leigh Thompson

Teaching and research are frequently described as opposing forces within academia, with tradeoffs required between the two domains. A new research paradigm - classroom research - bridges the divide between pedagogy and research methodology. An exploratory review spanning 25 years of micro-OB research identified the classroom as an increasingly popular site for research. The classroom presents an opportunity for conducting research, but also presents unique methodological considerations distinct from those discussed in the laboratory or field research traditions. We define the classroom research paradigm, discuss its advantages for both researcher and student, and outline the major methodological, educational, and ethical considerations of classroom research.
Date Published: 2005
Citations: Loyd, Denise, Mary Kern, Leigh Thompson. 2005. Classroom Research: Bridging the Ivory Divide. Academy of Management Learning & Education. (1)8-21.