Sunil Chopra
Adrian Alonso
Lance Donenberg
Daniel Gamba
David Vely
The purpose of this note is to update a person already familiar with third-party logistics companies (3PLs) on issues facing the industry, and also to provide a listing of available resources on the World Wide Web related to 3PLs. We first cover basic concepts about 3PLs, and the benefits and risks of outsourcing logistics functions to these companies. Then we discuss current issues facing 3PLs. Finally, we present a summary of some of the most important 3PL-related sites organized by content.
Date Published:
Key Concepts:
Logistics, Warehouse Management, Shipment Consolidation, Fleet Management, Order Fulfillment, Order Processing, Returns, Inventory Replenishment, Outsourcing
Chopra, Sunil, Adrian Alonso, Lance Donenberg, Daniel Gamba, David Vely. Technical Note: Third-Party Logistics: Current Issues and World Wide Web Resources. 7-204-251 (KEL281).