
Dawn Iacobucci

Kent Grayson

Amy Ostrom

Can a company constantly strive to exceed customers' expectations by providing service that delights or amazes them? Or is this just another marketing trend that really doesn't ensure that the customer will purchase the service again? Are customers always right, or are there some who may not be profitably worth satisfying? Do customers judge service on the core offering (e. g., the plane flight) or on the supplemental frills (e. g., the movie and the meal during the flight?) The authors point out that the concept of customer satisfaction is nothing more than good marketing, something companies should have been striving for all along. They poke holes in a number of marketing trends and suggest that, rather than embracing very new fad that comes along, managers should think creatively and choose their won paths to successful marketing.
Date Published: 1994
Citations: Iacobucci, Dawn, Kent Grayson, Amy Ostrom. 1994. Customer Satisfaction Fables. Sloan Management Review. (4)93-96.