Kellogg World Alumni Magazine, Summer 2004Kellogg School of Management
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Keith Dunnell '96  
Keith Dunnell '96 with daughter Kaelyn on the beach in California  
Susan Allen '96  
Newlyweds Bill and Susan Allen '96  
Betty Rhiew-Breslin '96  
Betty Rhiew-Breslin '96 and new daughter Amanda  
David Stokes '96 with family  
Dee and David Stokes '96 with new baby Avery and brothers Connor and Chase  
'96 alums  
From left, John Glushik '96 and Robyn (Runyan) Glushik '96 arranged a springtime meeting with Kristi and Kurt Plumer '96 at the Final Four in San Antonio.  

Greetings from your new class representative, Robyn (Runyan) Glushik. Thanks to our outgoing class representative, Gregg Shapiro, for all his hard work since graduation. I am sure he is relieved to hand over the job to the next sucker! Gregg has been very busy in recent years. In addition to inheriting two older boys (Brandon, 18, and Ryan, 16), he and his wife Pam had three of their own in three years, Grant, 4, Griffin, 2, and Cayden, 1.

Belated congratulations to Susan (Yakel) Allen, who married Bill Allen last August on a beach in Maui. They currently live in Chicago's Lincoln Park neighborhood.

Dee and David Stokes live in Los Angeles, where David has returned to his roots ... beer! David recently became vice president and general manager of a 200-person Anheuser-Busch-owned beer distributorship after rejoining the beverage world a few years ago from high tech. Dee is executive director of Universal Studios partnerships at NBC Universal, where she works with the promotional partners for the company's films. They welcomed new daughter Avery to the family in May. Avery joins big brothers Connor, 6, and Chase, 3.

Betty Rhiew-Breslin and Mike Breslin are proud to announce the birth of their daughter, Amanda Mi-Hyun, on Dec. 31. Amanda joins big brother Matthew, 3. After taking a year off to be a full-time mom, Betty accepted a position at Johnson & Johnson. She can be reached at

Traci and Keith Dunnell have left the Windy City for the sunny weather of California. They recently moved to Orange County, where Keith has taken on a new role within Avery Dennison, helping to lead a new business for them in the software/consumables products space. Daughter Kaelyn is 1.

As for yours truly and family ... John Glushik continues to enjoy his work as a partner at early-stage venture capital firm Intersouth Partners. In January, I retired from my job as financial consultant at Centex Homes after almost four years. I am enjoying my break --- decorating our house, playing tennis and pursuing my interest in construction and renovation. We live in Durham, N.C., with our two "babies" --- dogs Barkley and Fagan.

John and I met up with Kristi and Kurt Plumer at the Final Four in San Antonio this spring. John and I were very disappointed, being avid Duke fans. However, we managed to drag ourselves to the final game anyway. Catching up with Kurt and Kristi did much to lift our spirits!

Calling all 96ers: Please send me any updates or news you might have. We want to know what's going on with you! I should have plenty of lead time before next edition's deadline to send out an email to solicit entries. (I have been gathering as many email addresses as I can get. Please feel free to send me any you have.) Also, if I have misstated anything, please let me know. I am happy to print corrections. Until next time ...
©2002 Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University