Family Enterprise Suite

Educating and inspiring new generations of family enterprise leaders

As many family businesses throughout the world transition to new generations of leaders, their success and continuity depend on the management and leadership effectiveness of those at the top. The John L. Ward Center for Family Enterprises at Kellogg has developed a comprehensive curriculum that will help established, new and aspiring family business leaders master the concepts and skills required to navigate the intricacies of these complex organizations.

These programs cover the full gamut of management issues from family business strategy, governance and succession planning to entrepreneurship, family offices and family business culture. Guided by our faculty of experts in family business practice, seasoned advisors and leaders of best-in-class family enterprises, your learning experience will include interactive lectures, case studies and group discussions with peers facing family business challenges similar to yours.

Groups of up to five participants from a family enterprise can be accommodated in each session. Requests for groups of more than five in a single session must be approved by the program’s Academic Director. Please direct your inquiry to the John L. Ward Center for Family Enterprises at

Our live virtual programs are built to deliver a world-class experience that’s as thought-provoking and rewarding as our in-person offerings. Acquire and understand the tools to succeed in a changing business landscape. Our in-person programs are held on the beautiful lakefront campus of Northwestern University in Evanston and Chicago.

Incentives available for groups and teams of four or more attending open enrollment programs. Learn more

Family IN Business: featuring stories of leaders, their families and the family enterprises they transform.

Storytelling is powerful. Family enterprises are permeated with stories. Family IN Business podcasts capture stories that distill the essence of leadership required to weather industry changes, major economic upheaval and family evolution. Enjoy this series hosted by Kellogg alumna and leadership storytelling expert, Esther Choy.

Kellogg Executive
Leadership Institute

Personal Consultation

Please contact us to schedule an advising session

Featured Videos

Academic Director Matt Allen discusses who should attend.

Academic Director Matt Allen discusses why you should choose Kellogg.

Family Enterprise Boards

Family businesses are uniquely complex enterprises. This program empowers current and future directors of family-owned businesses to navigate the challenges posed by those organizations while learning to design, engage and lead boards that leverage their companies’ strategic advantages.

Forming Family Enterprise Governance

One of the most critical times in a family enterprise’s evolution is moving from the processes, people and structures that proved successful for a controlling owner to those that support a sibling partnership. Engage with faculty from the John L. Ward Center for Family Enterprises for leadership insights on governance architecture and effective decision making to support a vision that will guide multigenerational continuity.

Governing Family Enterprises

Join peers from leading family-run organizations to learn how family governance can help sustain business continuity, family unity and commitment. Come away equipped and energized to realize your vision for the future of your family enterprise with confidence.

The Single Family Office

Challenging, often subtle family dynamics, sensitive communications and interlinked governance structures all contribute to the complexity of family offices. Guided by renowned faculty, you will learn to navigate complex family office dynamics to more fully align stakeholders. You will develop skills to plan strategy, promote trust and communication, and address challenging issues around governance and continuity.

Kellogg School of Management

James L. Allen Center
2169 Campus Drive, Evanston, IL 60208